1897 Gold badge
Gold badge, which Lesja Ukrainka was awarded the in 1897
December 5, 1897 in Kiev literary and artistic society awarded medals to the winners of the literary contest. For the story "Sonorous strings" Lesja Ukrainka won the premium of Kiev literary and artistic society and badge with the inscription: "Lesja Ukrainka" and on the back: "Kiev. Lit. Art. Society. 1-st Literary Competition 1897" Photo of the medal see in the book: Collection of literary and artistic community. – K., 1901, p. 16.
This message does not mention who recieved badge which is awarded to Lesja Ukrainka. Also do not know what the fate of the medal. Image it is given after the publication in 1901.
After edition: Lesja Ukrainka. – Kyiv: Soviet school, 1979, p. 99.