In 1913
Lesja Ukrainka. Kyiv, May 1913. Photo by Ju.Teslenko-Prykhodko (cropped).
The last time Lesya Ukrainka visited Kyiv in April 28 (May 11) – May 12 (25) 1913. She stopped in the apartment of his mother (Mariinsko-Blagoveschenska street, 101). In this apartment poetess' cousin Juri Teslenko-Prykhodko made series of photographs, which was the last in the life of Lesja Ukrainka.
An exact date – 11 (24) May 1913 – provided in edition of 1979 [Lesja Ukrainka. Collected works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 1979, vol. 12, p. 80.]
This photo is very successful cropping of original photo Ju.Teslenko-Prykhodko.
After edition: Lesja Ukrainka. – K.: Soviet school, 1979, p. 178.