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Lesja Ukrainka

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Lutsk (1879 – 1882)

House at Dragomanov str., 23 in Lutsk

House at Dragomanov str., 23, photo early 20th c. (?). On the left – Cathedral street (behind – Jesuit church), right – Dragomanov street. This is the corner of a large house.

The Kosach family moved here from Novograd-Volynsky and lived here from summer 1879 to spring 1880. The transfer to Lutsk was mentioned in fragment of memories by Lesja Ukrainka, written in the early 1900’s.

Having learned about the arrest and exile (April 1879) of her aunt Elena Kosach, Lesja Ukrainka wrote in the beginning of 1880 her first poetry «Hope».

Lesja Ukrainka lived in Lutsk in the family:

- from summer 1879 to mid-September 1881 (transfer to Kyiv);

- a few days in late November – early December 1881.

More about this house – on «».

It should be noted that in the spring of 1880 the Kosach family moved from this house to another farmstead over the Styr river and lived there until May 1882 (before moving to Kolodjazhne). Lutsk local historians have repeatedly tried to establish where this manor was located, but to no avail. It should be lost [Borisyuk T. Lutsk addresses of Lesja Ukrainka // Rad. Volyn. – 1988. – February 23 and 24.]

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