Start page

Lesja Ukrainka

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Annual report 2022

Statistical data in the report presented on the basis of web server and CMS Smereka statistics. Usage of Google analytics data noted separately.

Site volume

Nodes 3331
Attributes 26166
Data size 26.18 Mb
Files 1321
Files size 68.25 Mb
Digital sheets 720.80

[The number of digital sheets] = [number of nodes] / 1000 + [number of attributes] / 10000 + [Total volume of all attributes in bytes] / 40000 + [Total volume of files in MB] / 2.5


Dynamics of attendance by years

Dynamics of attendance site «Lesja…

Dynamics of attendance in the 2022 year

Dynamics of attendance of site «Lesja…

There are total 1 864 832 visitors during year

The most successful month of the 2022 year – November

Dynamics of attendance of site «Lesja…

Distribution of visitors by countries

4.(not set)0.99%

According to Google analytics

Most requested documents

Encyclopedia of the life and works of Lesja Ukrainka 25567
Guide 17086
The forest song 14895
House in Novograd-Volynsky (1871 – 1873's) 11139
Dramatic works 9842
Poems 9256
Rhymes 8948
Gallery 8264
Alphabetic index 8053
Folklore records 7984

Number of downloads – for all time of site work