New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We publish a letter to P. P. Lavrov, sent May 31, 1911.
Meanwhile, on the one hand, I really need money right now, and on the other hand, there is little time left to review the manuscript, because I have to leave on the 23rd.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of the autograph dramatic poem «Possessed» (1901). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Criterion of ethics".
The criterion of the value of a class and its ethics can serve for the evolution of progress not revolutionaryness, but the greatest conformity of the activity and ethics of a particular class with the course of universal human progress.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We publish a letter to F. S. Karpova, sent Apr 9, 1911.
I wanted to go during Holy Week, but it seems that it will be during Easter week, but that’s for sure. I will telegraph from Odessa about further intentions.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Paris Commune".
The Paris Communards were the descendants of Spartacus, not Brutus and Cicero, and they did not believe in the salvific power of Caesar’s murder and the spy-execution procedure, they believed in rebellion, brave and open war.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We publish a letter to M. M. Sobinevskaya, sent in March 1911.
I’m sorry that I haven’t written to you, at first I was overcome by laziness, and now the heat is starting to overcome me, which if it drags on, I’ll run away from here.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of the autograph article «Addition of the editor to Ukrainian translation of book "Who live…"» (1899). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Guillotine fight".
Is it possible to fight with a guillotine, and what are the ethical consequences of guillotine activity? It is physically impossible to fight with a guillotine.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the letter to M. A. Okhrimenko, send May 15, 1910.
Approaching Pira[y], I am writing to you. While the sea and the comet spare us. The first half a day swayed a little, but very little.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Revolutionism".
From the point of view of evolution, both revolutions (action and reaction) were flawed, because both degenerated into terror and disrupted the normal course of evolution, the normal sequence of action and reaction.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the letter to P. P. Lavrov, send Mar 17, 1910.
I did not consider it possible to accept your kind permission regarding the advance. Old experienced men of letters advised me "never take advances if possible."
New edition of Lesja Ukrainka
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Future ideal".
And in the socialist world, maybe people will struggle to grasp the anarchic system, and now utopian anarchism will turn into scientific anarchism.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the letter to S. O. Efremov, send Aug 27, 1904.
Allow me, albeit belatedly, to thank you for the collection "In memory of Kotlyarevsky". For the biography of Shevchenko, I ask my father to give you credit.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Polish democracy and Ukraine".
It is also natural that the "fathers" of Polish nationalism do not have the Ukrainian demos in mind at all.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the letter to S. O. Efremov, send Jun 23, 1904.
Could you please lend me by August the second volume Konyskyi’s biography of Shevchenko in the Ukrainian edition?
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with the first page of the autograph poem «Ra-Meneis» (1900). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Bloodshed".
Robespierre, as you know, not only shuddered, but even drooled at the sight of blood, but signed death decrees "without blinking."
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the fragment of letter the H. M. Komarova, send Feb 23, 1909.
I didn’t write much this winter at all, because I was going through the trouble of moving, and besides, I was weaker than last year, this is apparently my punishment for not going to Egypt.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Tolstovism".
Tolstovism stands in the same relation to the Russian revolution as Dukhoborstvo, Shtunda, Malovans and all peaceful religious and moral dissidence in Russia.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the letter the mother, send Nov 23, 1907.
Maybe it would be better if papa came to us? We have a place for him to live and the "household" is already arranged, and he and I now have the same diet, so maybe he was fine with us.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with the autograph of the verse «Your letters always smelling with withered roses…» (1900). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Mr. Hankevich’s mistakes."
Due to the confusion of two different criteria, Mr. Hankevich cannot help himself with the psychology of modern Christians and increasingly confuses not only psychological, but even historical chronological moments.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the postcard to E. M. Kosach, send before (no later than) 05/19/1907.
Thank you for the congratulations, you are a dear child! How are your dramas written? Kiss your mother, grandmother, and yourself in the mirror.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we continue publishing the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Christian fanaticism."
And fanatics and philosophers were equally guilty of advising to give "Caesar’s things to Caesar", without thinking about whether that Caesar really has anything from them?
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the letter to S.O. Efremov, send Dec 14, 1905.
I do not take part, because one thing is that it is not clear to me what the wishes of the community are and what requirements it makes to such a society, and the second thing is that I have already failed with one "essay".
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with the autograph of the verse «Where did the you disappear, high-flown words…» (1900). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we are starting to publish the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Is the disaster of the party struggle really inevitable?".
An honest soul hunter can set himself the motto: "pure business requires pure methods" and stick to that motto to the end, without being tempted by any "golden mean" in this direction.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing the letter to S.O. Efremov, send Apr 4, 1905.
I recently read that a collection of the works of the Mr. Vinnychenko was published abroad, and I would like to take it with me, but I am afraid that a long time will pass.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
In the "Publicistics" section, we are starting to publish the article "The Price of Progress" (1903). Today – "Introduction".
In the same way, Mr. Hankevich does not believe that during the party struggle it is possible to care about the common good, about the good of the whole.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing a telegram to M. V. Krivynyuk, send May 28, 1903.
We will arrive on Friday at half past ten in the evening=Kosach
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with the first page of autograph translation of the verse «Weavers» by Heinrich Heine (1899). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
We publish the article "Evaluation of the outline of the program of the Ukrainian Socialist Party" (1901).
However, for tactics, it would be necessary to finally establish what should be understood first of all, whether the separation of Ukraine from Russia, or socio-political reform within the borders of the current Russian state?
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing a letter to S.O. Efremov, send Jan 22, 1903.
I am sending poems that have not yet been published anywhere, and on this occasion I apologize for not having done this earlier.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
We publish the article "Beseda (Conversation)", a magazine of the Baptists (Stundists)" (1894).
The place for the publication of "Conversations" in Stockholm was well chosen for the purpose of distributing the publication in Russia, but the spirit of English and American Baptism would be more useful for our countrymen.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing a letter to Angelo de Gubernatis, send not later than Nov 14, 1902.
I would be extremely grateful if you could advise me about my chances of being accepted into any serious Italian magazine.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with the first page of autograph translation of the 5th ode from the «Divine Comedy» by Dante (1898). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
We complete publishing the unfinished article "Utopia" in the fictional sense" (1906). Today – "Plan of the article".
Cabet’s "Voyage to Icaria" as a transitional stage from the utopia of the 18th century. to a new utopia. Cabet’s imitators in Russian literature.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing a letter to S.O. Efremov, send Apr 15, 1902.
I have nothing against placing "Winter Spring" and "Victory", but as for "Jewish Melody", I don’t know which one you are talking about, because I have three of them.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
We continue publishing the unfinished article "Utopia" in the fictional sense" (1906). Today – "Conclusion".
The utopian who thinks deeply and feels the elements indicated by Maeterlinck and A. Frans can create a vivid vision of the future life, and not the dying of mankind.
New letter by Lesja Ukrainka
We are publishing a letter to V. M. Hnatyuk, send Aug 10, 1899.
Please, dear gentleman, put this poem at the end of the "Melody" section, it seems there are 11 of them, so this will be the 12th.
New edition of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with the first page of the article "Not so much enemies as good people" (1897). |
New work by Lesja Ukrainka
We continue publishing the unfinished article "Utopia" in the fictional sense" (1906). Today – section "A. France".
A. France also borrowed technical techniques from Plato: "On the White Stone" consists of a number of dialogues rather weakly and arbitrarily connected to each other.
New letters by Lesja Ukrainka
Three greeting cards sent from Berlin in 1899 have been published.
Christ risen! Dear Anna Ivanovna from Lesia. (May 2, 1899 to A. I. Sudovshchikova)
Annual report
Annual report of the website «Lesja Ukrainka» for the 2022 year – 1 864 thousands visitors.
New autograph of Lesja Ukrainka
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The gallery of Lesja Ukrainka's autographs and editions is replenished with page (with picture) of the textbook "Ancient history of oriental peoples", written by Lesja Ukrainka (1890). |